Our 'Celeb'
Q&A with the guys...
We asked the team a series of questions about themselves and why they are taking part in this crazy venture, check out what they had to say...
Mikey Fartson
Michael Coombs
Name: Michael Coombs (aka Mikey Fartson)
Age: 51 and a half
Day job: Transport Coordinator at Momart Ltd.
Relationship to cast members:
Brother to Bob, Uncle-in-law to Max, 'Great' Uncle to The Sprig.
My part in this master plan:
Creator, visionary and driving force behind the scheme. (Sometimes....my genius is just.....staggering).
My reason why:
Taking part to do something I have always wanted to do but never had time. Raise Money for Cancer Research UK and awareness that it hasn't been beaten yet.
Doing this means so much to me. I have had my own health battles over the last year and watching The Grand Tour and classic Top Gear has helped me get through things. With an era drawing to a close, I wanted to stand up and say Thank You to Clarkson and Hammond and May.
What it means to me:
Cancer has recently struck our family, losing our beloved Mum to it, our Eldest Brother Gavin is in hospital right now fighting it. So it felt right to do it for them too.
Hoping to very much enjoy doing something worthwhile for a good cause and the finished episode I hope will make people smile and make a donation.
What I'm hoping to achieve:
Have fun, laugh and make memories.
Fun Facts:
I'm clearly the most handsome of the group. (Twice voted - you know). I'm also the best driver. Faster than Bob, safer than Max. But then there's The Sprig.....ahh! Ahem!........nothing to see here.

Bob Grey
Rob Coombs
Name: Rob Coombs (aka Bob Grey... just can't leave the hair alone can they!)
Age: Will be 57 when we start the adventure
Day job: HGV+Heavy Machinery Driver
Relationship to cast members:
Eldest of the crew (and obviously the most sensible)
My part in this master plan:
The concept and idea was and is my brother Michael's, due to his need of exhibitionism etc but to do it in the name of cancer research was mine.
My reason why:
My Father (oesophagus), Father-in-Law (lung), Mother (bladder) and brother Gavin (kidney) are to name but a few in my wife and my families.
What it means to me:
It is so heartbreakingly personal, that maybe, if we can, raise a bit of money, but most importantly raise awareness of this most awful of diseases.
What I'm hoping to achieve
My part in this debacle will of course be to be careful and prepared for the dastardly deeds that will no doubt be aimed at me, and to possibly, nay, probably, bore everyone to tears with my nonsensical, and some might say, therapeutic, use of the English language on almost biblical scale, I was asked to not right an essay on what I wanted to say (I found this impossible). I assume a memory or two will be made (yawn) I would write about the others, but no, I have too much to say about myself and other more important subjects of which are far more interesting!
Fun Facts:
I was asked for a fun fact mmmmmm, ok... do you know elephants have over twenty thousand muscles in their trunks. Fact. And to finish this eloquent piece of pen to paper (so to speak) I intend to win, rather convincingly. Some might say By A Huge Mile

Max Rammond
Max Ruddock
Name: Max Ruddock (aka Max Rammond),
Age: 35 years young, I think.
Day job: I'm a Resource Manager in the railway industry
Relationship to cast members:
I am the Cousin / Nephew-in-Law of the group but the one they all wish they were related to by blood.
My part in this master plan:
The plan is to laugh loads and breeze to victory. No matter what Dan thinks.
My reason why:
I am taking part because surely its every lad dream to be one of the old school top gear trip.
What it means to me:
What does it mean? To win? What's the point in playing if you don't want to win?
For the serious bit, Cancer took my grandad many years ago and it can't be forgiven! Adding to that it had the audacity to take Nan-in-Law too... just means enough is enough and any money raised for the charity is money well raised and spent in my eyes.
What I'm hoping to achieve:
The aim is to raise as much money for the charity and get the gold medal on the shelf at home!
Apart from all that, it's going to be great and I am looking forward to just having a real good time with a couple of really pleasant people... and Dan...
Fun Facts:
Fact 1: I can solve a Rubik's Cube.
Fact 2: My friend's uncle was a famous jockey in his time.
Fact 3: If I stare into thin air for too long my eyes vibrate.

The Sprig
Dan Clark
Name: Lord Dan Clark (aka The Sprig)
Age: 32
Day job: Floor layer & philanthropist
Relationship to cast members:
Mike and Bob are my uncles and max is a cousin-in-law
My part in this master plan:
I will be undertaking the role of 'The Sprig'. Obviously the youngest, most handsome member of the group and obviously the best driver
My reason why:
I'm not here just to take part I'm here to win!
What it means to me:
It means a lot! I always was a fan of the show and we will have such a good crack doing it, we'll make some blinding memories. When I come victorious, the bragging rights mean everything!
Cancer has caused pain to everyone you know in one way or another but I recently lost my Nan and Father-in-Law within a few months of each other which has been especially hard for the family, so it means a lot and hopefully we can raise money for a great cause.
What I'm hoping to achieve:
The victory of course! And to raise as much as possible to help as many people as possible in memory of the ones we lost.
I'm looking forward to the banter between us, having a good trip and using this as a break away form the Mrs!
Fun Facts:
I am actually, legally, a Lord before anyone questions that (Mike). I can be quite stubborn and will do anything to win and yes, I have been known to be what’s called a bad winner!